A downloadable game

You play as a voodoo witch doctor who has connected his lifeforce with a voodoo doll to become immortal. The only thing is, this voodoo doll likes to go for dangerous strolls.

Try to keep your companion safe and help them get to their destination unharmed.


  • Aim up to turn the voodoo doctor into a platform for the doll to get up to the next level
  • Aim down and press Launch to propel yourself into the air

Works best with PC controls, controller support has been added although they haven't been tested thoroughly.

  • Move: A-D/Left-Right/Left Joystick
  • Aim: Mouse Left & Move/Right Trigger & Right Joystick
  • Jump/Launch: W/Spacebar/A
  • Sprint: Shift/Left Trigger

I hope you enjoy playing! All comments and criticisms welcome!

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